Introduction: Our vision
“Each bee plays a part in the hive.”
At Stretton Sugwas Church of England Academy, our Christian ethos is built upon the theme of the Body of Christ, which teaches us that we are all an important part of a team, have a unique role to play and must work together to help others. As a result, we encourage everyone in the school community to belong to a team, believe in themselves and behave in a compassionate way.
Intent: Driven by our Christian Vision
We believe that our vision should also be reflected throughout our curriculum, as well as being the principle foundation on which our curriculum is built. The Body of Christ passage from the Bible explains that we all have an interdependent and equally valuable role to play in achieving great things together to help others and make a difference. This is what underpins the way in which we have organised our curriculum and monitor its effectiveness.
Our curriculum, in each subject area, should allow all children the opportunity to be included, feel appreciated and develop their voice. It should allow opportunities to work as part of a team and appreciate their role as well as the role of others. Children will gain new skills and knowledge but the challenge of our curriculum is to then put them into practice to use them to make a positive impact.
Implementation: Belong, Believe and Behave
In accordance with our Christian vision, we have structured our curriculum documents into three sections:
Belong- the skills needed to work as an effective team member and begin to unlock their potential in the relevant subject area
Believe- the subject-specific knowledge and skills needed to develop talents
Behave- the skills and opportunities needed to apply the subject-specific skills in a meaningful context
Impact: Belong, Believe, Behave in Action
Crucial to our Christian Vision and educational provision at Stretton Sugwas is the fact that skills and knowledge must be applied within a real-life context. We believe that pupils should be taught how to use their skills to impact the environment around them, wherever realistically possible. Children should be given opportunities to explore the relevance of the skills they are being taught so that it may inspire them.
Inclusion: SEND and helping ALL learners to achieve
It is integral to our vision that pupils with SEN and other specific needs are given support to access the curriculum, develop their talents and use them to make an impact appropriate to their needs. Everyone is valued and has a role to play. If our curriculum, policies or practices are not fully inclusive then we will adapt them. Informal feedback from pupils, staff and parents as well as more formal reviews and monitoring will help the school to reflect on what it does to cater for all pupils’ needs, in accordance with its vision.